Policies and procedures
supporting people in the Dalton Ward
If required, a hard copy of all our policies and procedures can be obtained by contacting the Childcare Manager.
Bookings, Amendments to Bookings and Payment of Fees
Greenfields Childcare offers a selection of funded and non-funded sessions. Sessions are allocated to meet the demands of the parents/carers wherever possible, and are staffed accordingly.
Parents/carers request sessions by completing and signing the registration form. Once the booked sessions have been confirmed by the manager, there is a binding contract in place between Greenfields (which must provide the sessions) and the parent/carer (who must pay for them).
Occasionally, Greenfields can accommodate requests for additional sessions on an ad hoc basis; but these will need to be paid for.
Invoices for non-funded sessions are available for parents/carers during the first 2 weeks of the half term and must be paid by the end of that half term. Invoices may be available after this in the case of ad hoc sessions.
As bills are issued half termly, all accounts need to be settled in full before the start of the next half term, unless a separate agreement has been made with the management.
Fees are payable by cash or cheque, bank transfer (CAF Bank Ltd a/c No 00029465, sort code 40-52-40) or childcare vouchers. We accept vouchers from a variety of providers; please check with the manager to set up an account. Cheques should be payable to “Greenfields Childcare”.
The price per session per child applies to all children, unless funded. This is payable for all booked sessions including when your child is sick, or on holiday (regardless of the amount of notice given).
We do not charge for bank holidays and professional training days.
All children are eligible for 15 hours Free Early Educational Funding (FEEC) the term after they turn 3.
Funding is available for eligible 2 year olds.
An additional 15 hours funding for children aged 3 to 5 is also available.
www.childcarechoices.gov.uk will give you further information on eligibility and how to apply for funding; along with information regarding Tax free childcare.
This funding can be used flexibly over any of the session times.
Settling In
Once a place has been confirmed for a child, the parent/carer will be contacted to arrange a visit session for the child. For pre-school this will include an induction procedure for the parent/carer and child. In accordance with our Settling-In Policy, parents/carers are welcome to stay for as long as they feel is necessary to help their child settle in. Each child is different and staff are aware that some children take longer to adapt to new routines than others. We aim to make the setting a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.
Key Person
We believe that children settle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and their parents well, and who can meet their individual needs. We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the setting and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s well-being and their role as active partners with the setting.
In pre-school a child’s key person is responsible for collecting observations etc about the child’s development. Our ‘Child Profile’ system (known as Connect Childcare) is online so parents can access their own child’s system at any time, via Parent Zone, and we actively encourage comments and photographs from home to be included in this to help us build up a rounded balanced picture of the child’s development and needs.
First Aid & Sickness
All Childcare Staff access paediatric first aid training on a 3 year rolling programme as part of their statutory training. At least one member of staff with current first aid training is working with the children on the premises or on an outing at all times.
Our first aid kit complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations.
Greenfields Childcare requests that no child who has vomited or suffered from diarrhoea in the 48 hours prior, attends Pre-school that day.
Administering Medicines
While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the setting, we will agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being or when they are recovering from an illness.
All staff will have relevant training before any child with complex medical needs is admitted to the setting. If a child develops or is diagnosed with a medical condition/complex medical need, Greenfields have the right to exclude the child until staff have received the relevant medical training and have the relevant insurance cover in place.
Parents must inform the setting if their child has been prescribed an inhaler either for diagnosed asthma or as a preventative measure such as intermittent use in very cold, dry weather. A health care plan will be drawn up whether the condition is diagnosed or not.
Two inhalers should be requested from the child’s doctor – one to be for use in the setting. Parents are responsible for ensuring both inhalers are in date.
Food and Drink
Greenfields Childcare regards snack and meal times as an important part of the setting’s day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. At snack time, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children’s individual dietary needs.
Greenfields Childcare provides a lunch for those children attending at lunchtime and a light tea. We do not serve meat or meat products. Parents can provide their child with a packed lunch if their child is attending the lunchtime session, we ask that the packed lunch is healthy and does not contain nuts or fizzy drinks.
All staff involved in the preparation and handling of food receives training in basic Food Hygiene. Food and drinks are stored appropriately.
Regular baking/cooking sessions are undertaken with the children and good hygiene practices are modelled and reiterated to the children by the adults leading this activity. The children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen area.
Snack/meal times are appropriately supervised and children are not allowed to walk around with food or drink. Children are discouraged from sharing food with others. Fresh drinking water is available at all times.
For details of allergens in foods used at Greenfields Childcare, please speak to a member of staff.
Making a Complaint
Our setting believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our setting and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the setting. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns. We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our setting to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parents involved.
Parents may approach Ofsted directly at any stage of the complaints procedure. The address and telephone number of our Ofsted regional centre are:
National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Tel: 0300 1231231
Greenfields is a registered non-profit charity organisation run by a voluntary committee of parents and friends that changes regularly.
Each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April/May, a new committee is elected. It is essential that current parents are willing to be members of the committee as the setting cannot run without them.
The committee has four post holders: the chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary. There should be a minimum of five members of a committee, 60% of which should have children at the setting.
We have information about the roles and responsibilities of committee members. The committee is responsible for the management running of the setting and also for much needed fundraising.
Committee meetings are held about once a half term during term time.
Becoming involved in the committee can be on a variety of levels according to the time you are able to give. It offers large rewards in return; making a real difference to the high quality education of the children in our community and becoming involved in the groups of parents with whom you will follow your children through school life.
An interest or commitment is just as important as a ‘skill’ so please do not be afraid to come forward. We are usually really in need of people willing to be post holders in particular.
Please speak to a member of staff if you are interested in any aspect of the committee, whether as a post holder or a member.
Greenfields Childcare Pre-school exists to provide a safe, affordable and developmentally appropriate environment for children aged from 2 years to 5 years old.
Out of School and Holiday Clubs provide stimulating care for children aged 3 to 11 (or 14 if they have additional needs)
Opening times and fees
We are open between 7.15am and 6pm, Monday to Friday term time, 7.45 am to 5.45 pm during holidays. We close bank holidays and a week at Christmas.